2020-2021 Prep School Books To Buy according to
your level
(Seviyenize göre Hazırlık Okulu eğitiminizin tümü için
almanız gereken kitaplar)
Track 1:
Focus on Grammar 1 (Student's book with My
English Lab Code /4th Edition)
Focus on Grammar 3 ( Student's book with My
English Lab Code / 5th Edition)
Focus on Grammar 4 ( Student's book with
My English Lab Code / 5th Edition)
Lighthouse Reading & Listening A1 – A2
Lighthouse Reading & Writing A2 – B2 (Track
1 Version)
Lighthouse Listening & Speaking A2 – B2
(Track 1 Version)
Track 2:
Focus on Grammar 2 ( Student's book with My
English Lab Code / 5th Edition)
Focus on Grammar 4 ( Student's book with My
English Lab Code / 5th Edition)
Lighthouse Reading & Writing A2 – B2 (Track
2 Version)
Lighthouse Listening & Speaking A2 – B2
(Track 2 Version)
Track 3
Focus on Grammar 4 (Student's book with My
English Lab Code / 5th Edition)
Lighthouse Reading & Writing B1 – B2
Lighthouse Listening & Speaking B1 – B2
buradan satın alınız (Buy the books here):
***There are
two options in the link above for each Track. Buy either BASILI (Printed) or
DİJİTAL (Digital), NOT BOTH. (Yukarıdaki
linkte her Track/Seviye için iki satın alma seçeneği verilmiştir, BASILI ve
DİJİTAL, kendi tercihinize göre sadece birini satın almanız yeterlidir, ikisini de birden almayınız.)
***Warning: You should buy original books
with My English Lab codes because you will be given grades for your homework,
assignments and tests there. (Mutlaka
içinde My English Lab kodu olan orijinal kitap almalısınız çünkü orada
yapacağınız ödev ve sınavlardan not alacaksınız.)
***Attendance is mandatory in the Prep School. Students who do not have their course materials, or come to classes unprepared are marked absent. (Hazırlık okulunda derslere devam zorunluluğu vardır. Ders malzemesi eksik olan ya da derse hazırlıksız gelen öğrenciler, derse katılmamış sayılır)