About Summer Exit Exam & DEMO EXAM with RESPONDUS & BLACKBOARD (For All Students)

About Summer Exit Exam & DEMO EXAM with RESPONDUS & BLACKBOARD (For All Students)

Dear Students,

As you know, we are going to use a new programme for exam safety, Respondus. You will take the exam on Blackboard again but it will also be integrated in Respondus. Therefore, we have prepared a Demo Summer Exit Exam for you. 

You can try it next Tuesday (11 August 2020) at 10:00 in the morning. Most of the real Exit Exam parts are there with limited number of questions. Please, try it and see how you are going to take the real exam on 13 August 2020 using Respondus & Blackboard.

>>>Detailed information about how you can take the exam is attached as "How to take exams in Respondus system, VERY IMPORTANT"

>>>Also attached is Respondus instructions document ("Respondus instructions before test") that you will see before taking the exam. There are three files attached in three languages: English/Turkish/Arabic. 

Please, read & study these two documents very carefully until Tuesday.

Demo Summer Exit Exam

11 August 2020

10:00 a.m.

Real Summer Exit Exam

13 August 2020, Thursday


****All students (Regular, Resit, Frozen account, Conditional pass/Şartlı geçiş) can take the Summer Exit Exam (13 August 2020, Thursday, 10:00) except for the students with a financial hold.